Operating Philosophy

Operating PhilosophyProfessional Membersihps and Affiliations

Copyright ©​ KLM & Associates.


Call now to find out how: 1-404-376-5457

We  practice  in the highest ethical manner, not working for  two competing  clients, or transferring information  without  client  consent.  Our major concern  is the timely transfer of programs.

Thus, we work on a time-and-materials basis (either your contract or ours).

The consulting services that we offer are guaranteed to provide  insights  and  effective change.

Our challenge is working with you to implement these improvements.




The Grant Procurement Guide: Step-By-Step Procedures for Procuring Grants, Loans, and Contracts...

You may order a copy of The Grant Procurement Guide for $9.95, plus $1.25 for shipping and handling.

1.   American Grant Writer's Association  www.agwa.us
2.   American Evaluation Association
3.   Georgia Center for Nonprofits   www.gcn.org
4.   Leave A Legacy Georgia
5.   North Georgia Center for Nonprofits
6.   Georgia Roundtable
7.   Georgia Planned Giving Council 
8.   Notary Public www.123Notary.com  
9.   National Notary Association 
10. American Academy of Business Consultants
11. National Association of Grant Writers  and Nonprofit Consultants
12. Society of Field Inspectors